Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sanfrancisco Health Insurance Benifits

Sanfrancisco Health Insurance is a contract between the Insurer & the Insured wherein the former agrees to pay to the latter hospitalization expenses to the extent of an agreed sum assured in the event of any medical treatment out of an illness or an injury. In the nutshell the Health Insurance is a policy which covers you & your family against medical expenses due to sickness, accident etc. The Insured in return has to pay a regular premium to the insurer. 
Why you need  Sanfrancisco Health Insurance?
It is indubitable that Health Insurance has become an important element in one’s life owing to increasing medical costs these days & uncertain environment; it comes to your rescue acting as precautionary measure in today’s tough time while acting as a life saver boat in case of any medical contingency. If you don’t have Health Insurance, you end up paying hefty medical bills in the event of hospitalization out of illness or injury, therefore insuring your family against Health Insurance is a must thing & should surely be a part of your regular financial planning. All we have is our health which needs to be protected & taken care of by acquiring the best health insurance policy suited for us. 

Health Insurance Covers & Benefits
• Room & Boarding expenses: There are further limits to this feature varying from company to company.
• Ambulance Charges: They are normally covered upto Rs. 1000.
• ICU charges, doctor, consulting, anesthetist and surgeon fees, operation and other diagnostic and surgical material costs are covered.
• Day-Care expenses such as Chemotherapy, Dialysis & Radiotherapy etc.
• Pre & Post Hospitalization Expenses which normally are 30 days prior and 60 days after hospitalization.
• Cashless Hospitalization is offered by almost all Non-Life Insurers.

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